Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of projects does ROAR Studios produce?

ROAR Studios works with students to produce documentary films, audio stories, and podcast series.

How do I pitch a project for ROAR Studios?

Use this Google Form to submit your pitch.

How do I work as crew on a ROAR project?

Use this Google Form to indicate your interest.

What do I need to know about my potential project before I pitch it?

In your pitch, you will need to provide a treatment for the project. This should answer the following questions in no more than 750 words: What are you hoping to cover in this documentary/audio story/podcast? What sources will you speak to? What will the final product look like in terms of style, length, etc.?

Additionally, your pitch should include equipment needs — being specific about both what exactly what you already possess, what you'll need and also for what durations of time you'll need them for — as well as personnel needs (what roles you'll need to fill, if you have anyone in mind for any of the roles, and also for what durations of time you'll need them for) and any travel needs.

What happens after I submit my pitch?

If we are interested in talking further about producing your project, a member of our team will be in touch. Note that there is no guarantee to have your documentary produced, but that if your project is chosen to move forward, you will be committed to working on it in concert with ROAR Studios.

Who would I be working with on my project if I work with ROAR Studios?

In addition to any personnel you suggest for the project who are approved, as well as other student personnel hired to work on your project, you will also work directly with LMU’s Student Media department. This includes, among others, the Director of Student Media.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

Please reach out to Director of Student Media Tom Nelson ( with any questions not answered here or elsewhere on our site.